Sometimes Self-Parenting Is Better Than Self-Care

A lot of people, especially in the chronic illness community, talk about self-care. That's great, but I have noticed it often time involves babying oneself. On some days it is good to swaddle yourself in blankets and watch anime, but not all the time. Sometimes what we need is to give ourselves a swift kick … Continue reading Sometimes Self-Parenting Is Better Than Self-Care

Craving College

It's graduation season again, which means I am once again feeling a little envious. I have accepted that I am ill and will remain so for the rest of my life unless there is some sort of cure discovered in my lifetime. It's okay, I can and do still have a good life for the … Continue reading Craving College

Archiving Dad’s Memories

My mom recently had to clean out the garage so that we could get the old, rotting ceiling removed and clean out the attic space above it that had been home to a colony of rodents. While sorting through all the boxes and bins that have accumulated over the years Mom found an old box … Continue reading Archiving Dad’s Memories

Hello Internet. I am your friendly neighborhood cyborg!

Welcome to my little blog. I have been doing this whole chronically-ill-young-adult thing for awhile now, and I thought maybe some of my experiences could help someone else out there or make them feel less alone. I live with Marfan Syndrome, Dysautonomia w/ Gastroparesis, Hypothyroidism, and Celiac Disease. It took me a long time and … Continue reading Hello Internet. I am your friendly neighborhood cyborg!