Little by Little

I am making progress. I sometimes get down on myself and feel like I am stagnating, but then I have to remind myself how far I have come!

A year ago I couldn’t drive, didn’t have a car, didn’t have Wanda the Wheelchair, kept on having to recover from surgeries, and was still weak from malnutrition/dehydration because I had only just gotten my feeding tube. I hadn’t even been officially diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome yet! I was too weak to do physical therapy and spent most of my time at home in bed. When I did go out I had to recover for daaayyyyss afterwards.

Now I can drive myself around in a car that is all mine, with Wanda in the trunk for wheeling around destinations on longer outings. My feeding tube fuels me up so I only have to eat when I feel up to it. I am kicking ass in physical therapy (PT). And…

Yesterday I got a membership at my local YMCA! They have a heated pool that will be great for conditioning my muscles and joints. They also have the same type of exercise machines I use at PT and free group exercise classes. I am excited to keep working on my body’s strength. I am sore from working out yesterday, but I don’t feel completely wiped out like I used to.

Resting under a heated blanket this morning to soothe my achy muscles, but then I am getting back out there!

I know I still am, and will continue to be, chronically ill. I know I will still have bad days where I can’t get up. Now I just have some hope that I might have less of those days. Hope that maybe I can finally go to college someday.

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